First Aid for Epileptic Seizures

How dangerous are epileptic seizures

Novenber 21, 2023

How dangerous are epileptic seizures?

As a leading provider of First Aid training courses in Sydney, we’re keen to share knowledge about careful management of epileptic seizures.

It’s important not to overlook the fact that the side-effects of epileptic episodes include fatalities. Medication, however, helps mitigate the situation for many.

For up to 30 per cent of epilepsy sufferers in Australia, however, seizures remain a danger.

What you can do to minimise the risks with epileptic seizures?

Read on to learn more about the dangers of epilepsy and how First Aid training can help.

Related Risks from Epileptic Seizures

There are a number of risks related to epileptic seizures, particularly when they are not controlled by medication and when those seizures are inadequately managed.

For example, a tonic-clonic seizure — when the body stiffens before its movements become jerky — could happen while the person is climbing or swimming. This type of seizure is already critical, but here it is compounded by an activity that already involves risks of its own.

Regardless of when an epileptic seizure occurs, medical intervention is crucial to help manage the risks.

First Aid During a Seizure

Here are 8 First Aid pointers about what to do and what not to do if you happen to be present when someone experiences a tonic-clonic seizure:

  • Remain calm and don’t leave the person alone
  • If the person has food or fluid in their mouth, roll them onto their side to avoid choking risk
  • Keep hard objects out of reach to protect the person from accidentally injuring themself
  • Cushion the person’s head with something soft; if their clothing is tight, loosen it
  • Offer reassurance, so the person knows they are safe
  • Try to time the seizures using your watch or phone
  • When muscle jerking has stopped, roll the person onto their side
  • Do not restrain the person or place anything inside their mouth

Time to Call an Ambulance

If you are in any doubt about how dangerous the epileptic seizure is, or how it may have affected the person, call Emergency Services on 000.

Call an ambulance for a person experiencing epileptic seizure when:

  • They have never had a seizure before
  • The duration of the person’s seizure exceeds what they’re used to, by 5 or more minutes
  • They have a second seizure shortly after the first
  • They are unresponsive after more than 5 minutes following the end of a seizure
  • They have breathing difficulties after their muscles have stopped spasming
  • They are in water
  • They are injured during the seizure

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